Your tax business’ success and longevity depend on several factors. The one you should focus on the most is the tax software you use. In this article, we’ll help you choose the best tax software for your needs.
1. List Your Needs
First off, before you go through a professional tax preparation software comparison, write down your needs and priorities, and start ruling out options if they lack what you’re looking for.
2. Read Customer Reviews
One of the best things you can do is to read as many professional tax preparation software reviews as possible. Not all the issues show when you try a demo; some issues are long-term and may only show after using the software for some time.
3. Getting Paid
Now that you’re left with a shorter list of professional tax preparer software products, next is to decide how you’d like to get paid. The most common route tax pros go is professional tax preparation software with bank products. This comes with several benefits such as cash advances, loans, as well as a handful of disbursement methods for taxpayers to choose from.
4. Service Bureau vs Main Provider
Lastly, you need to decide whether you’d like to get your software from a service bureau or a main provider. The sole difference is how much paid upfront versus how much your clients will pay in bank product fees. There isn’t a standard, which is why we suggest you compare professional tax software offers individually and decide what works for you.